車でひたすら走ることが「冒険」そのものだったあの頃。Morgan 3 Wheeler(モーガン3ホイーラー)に乗れば、当時感じた楽しさや情熱がよみがえります。

そのアイコニックなフォルムはそのままに、Morgan 3 Wheelerには21世紀の技術が投入され、1979ccの「Vツイン」燃料噴射式エンジンとマツダ製5速MTギアボックスが搭載されています。




Morgan 3 Wheelerは、あくまでも走ることを楽しむための車です。航空機を思わせる計器盤を装備した革張りのコックピットに座れば、道路を飛ぶかのような気分を味わえます。打てば響くようなレスポンスも備えています。S &S製エンジンは、トルクが大きいため、低い回転数で高い出力を発揮。2.0リッターながらパワフルなこのエンジンを軽量ボディと組み合わせた21世紀のMorgan 3 Wheelerは、同価格帯で他を圧倒するパワーウェイトレシオを誇っています。これまでの概念を覆す加速性能、走行性能、経済性を兼ね備えたMorgan 3 Wheelerは、今こそ乗るべき車です。

EURO4 3 Wheeler

モーガンでは、現行の排ガス規制に対応すべく、Morgan 3 WheelerのEURO4承認獲得に向け取り組んできましたが、このたびEURO4対応の3 Wheelerを英国および欧州各国のディーラーで販売することになりました。このモデルには、規制に適合するための変更が施されただけでなく、オプションも追加されています。さらに詳しい情報や試乗をご希望の方は、最寄りのモーガンディーラーにお問い合わせください。


全長 3,290mm
全幅 1,740mm
全高 1,105mm
ホイールベース 2,390mm
車両重量(乾燥重量) 585kg
エンジンの種類 S&S V-twin
排気量 1979cc
ボア x ストローク 108.0 x 108.0
使用燃料 95+ RON
燃料タンク容量 25L
最高出力 51kw(69PS)/5,200rpm
最大トルク 129Nm(13.2kgf/m)2500rpm
最高速 185km/h
0-100km加速 7.0s
トランスミッション 5速MT
サスペンション形式 ダブルウィッシュボーン/コイル
ブレーキ形式 ベンチレーテッドディスク
タイヤサイズ(標準仕様) 4.00/19
ホイールサイズ(標準仕様) ワイヤーホイール 3.5J x 19
ワイヤーホイール 6J x 15


Image Gallery


Vehicles pictured on this page show non-homologated parts


他のモーガン車と同様、3 Wheelerも自分好みに仕上げることができます。クラシカルなスタイルをさらに際立たせたり、モダンな雰囲気を加えたりと柔軟にパーソナライズできるよう、機能性とビジュアルの両面をアレンジするための標準オプションや追加装備を厳選してご用意。オーナーお一人お一人にこだわりの3 Wheelerを作り上げる機会をご提供します。

Video Gallery

XCar – The Morgan 3 Wheeler is the best horse ever

/DRIVE – Brilliant British Flyweights

I Never Knew What Driving Fun Was Until The M3W

Fifth Gear Web TV – 3 Wheeler

The Hooniverse – 3 Wheeler Review

EVO Caterham Seven 160 vs Morgan 3 Wheeler

Where it all began

The success of the Morgan Motor Company was founded on an icon, the Morgan Three-Wheeler. This brilliant but simple design by skilled engineer and company founder Harry Morgan (HFS) became one of the most successful lightweight cars of the early days of motoring. The principal of fitting a powerful motorcycle engine and simple transmission into a light-weight chassis and body inspired a new type of vehicle which generically became known as the ‘Cyclecar’. Thus the fashion for ‘new motoring’ introduced the freedom of the open road to those of more modest means. The Morgan Runabout was at the forefront of this movement and therefore Harry Morgan can be regarded as the man who first introduced motoring for the masses.

Setting the standard

Built at the original Morgan factory, Malvern Link, not only was the Morgan one of the first Cyclecars, it was without doubt, the best engineered, the most reliable, and the most successful vehicle in its class which set the standards for other manufacturers to follow. It featured a simple two speed transmission (fast and very fast), but no reverse gear (to go backwards required gravity, or the driver had to get out and push). Engines were usually J.A.P. V-twins, although the simplicity of the chassis design allowed many other makes to be fitted.

Racing success

Within a few weeks of its launch at the Olympia motorcycle show in London in November 1910, Harry Morgan entered the Runabout in the MCC London to Exeter Trial, and his remarkable performance won a Gold Medal. This was the first of many such victories in all forms of motor sport such as reliability trials, plus racing and record-breaking particularly at the Brooklands autodrome.
In little more than three years, by the outbreak of World War 1 in 1914, Morgans had secured 10 British and World Records for various classes of cyclecars, won 24 Gold Medals in major reliability trials and had achieved numerous victories on the race track. These successes included an astonishing drive by Mr. Harry Martin who easily won the first International Cyclecar Race at Brooklands, finishing over two minutes ahead of the second place car even though Martin had completed the race in just 8 and a half minutes! A few months later Harry Morgan won the Cyclecar Cup for the 1100 c.c. one-hour record, travelling at a fraction short of 60 m.p.h. for one hour at Brooklands.

The cyclecar grand prix

The most significant victory of the early years was that of W.G. McMinnies in the International Cyclecar Grand Prix at Amiens in France. McMinnies and his passenger Frank Thomas won against strong opposition from many continental four-wheelers…All of this achieved in spite of an enforced stop to change an inner tube in one of the front tyres! W.G. McMinnies, was the editor of the “Cyclecar” magazine and his success gave Morgan a great deal of publicity. After the event he christened his particular car “Jabberwock of Picardy”, and a new model, called the Grand Prix and based on the race winning car was introduced to the Morgan range.

The cyclecar grand prix

The most significant victory of the early years was that of W.G. McMinnies in the International Cyclecar Grand Prix at Amiens in France. McMinnies and his passenger Frank Thomas won against strong opposition from many continental four-wheelers…All of this achieved in spite of an enforced stop to change an inner tube in one of the front tyres! W.G. McMinnies, was the editor of the “Cyclecar” magazine and his success gave Morgan a great deal of publicity. After the event he christened his particular car “Jabberwock of Picardy”, and a new model, called the Grand Prix and based on the race winning car was introduced to the Morgan range.

The aero was born

Alas, Capt. Ball was shot down and killed shortly after taking delivery of his car, however his special Morgan inspired the introduction, in 1920, of the next new sporting model which was called the Aero, in recognition of the famous aviator.
So advanced had been H.F.S. Morgan’s first designs that little alteration, apart from bodywork modifications, were required for some years. The car retained its sturdy, lightweight construction and the two-speed transmission system remained in production for many years. A Family Runabout was introduced with four seats, to offer inexpensive motoring for the whole family.

More innovations

Alas, Capt. Ball was shot down and killed shortly after taking delivery of his car, however his special Morgan inspired the introduction, in 1920, of the next new sporting model which was called the Aero, in recognition of the famous aviator.
So advanced had been H.F.S. Morgan’s first designs that little alteration, apart from bodywork modifications, were required for some years. The car retained its sturdy, lightweight construction and the two-speed transmission system remained in production for many years. A Family Runabout was introduced with four seats, to offer inexpensive motoring for the whole family.

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